
Pet Descripition:

Berlin is a beautiful 100lb Red and Black German Shepherd with a very dominant personality. He has a high prey and ball drive. He is AKC registered, OFA H&E;, DNA Profiled , his puppies are ideal for SCHH protection,agility,or all around family pet Berlin's father is out of all v rated SCHH titled imported dogs His father is VA 2(B)V1(D)Astana Alfons SCH H3 and goes back to SCHH3 DNA GPR.2X VA1 Yasko Vom Farbenspiel His mother V Yanka vom Langenbungert SCHH1 KKl 1, is also out of imported titled dogs which goes back to V Quina Von Arninius SCHH2 KKL 1 Her mother is Czech Von Haus Cimmirian, which goes back to SP-PS,ZV1,OP1 SG TOM Z POHRANICNI STRAZE CE AND 3XUM CR SCHH2 IPO3 ZVV2 OP2 ZV-3 V Lido Jamirex. Her father is Mick Vom Cimmirian, and goes back to SHH3 IPO3 DPO2 WPO Orthos V Tiekerhook and SCHH3 DPO2 WPO.3XUSA DPO ch.7TH WORLD SG Alk Von Osterburg